Harr-uary, day twenty-three: Harry Styles’ Book Club

Claire Roma
6 min readFeb 28, 2022

Harry Styles: singer, songwriter, actor, producer, Gucci (and Claire Roma’s) muse, Pleasing CEO, and book club curator? I’m no business mogul, but I do think that Styles’ next endeavor should be a book club. People are fascinated with what celebrities do in their spare time, and if there’s something they can easily (and affordably) do is by reading the same books.

Back in 2019 Styles told Rolling Stone that he “wasn’t a huge reader”, but his he started dating someone who gave him books, Styles admitted “I felt like I had to read them because she’d think I was a dummy if I didn’t read them.”

We love a man who admits when he’s being dumb.

There’s a clear theme in the books that Styles chooses, mainly those of burgeoning and questioning sexuality, politics, feminism, relationships, and philosophy, which (are all my favorite things!) are all signs of a well rounded person, and also someone who has definitely attended some therapy.

Here is the unofficial Harry Styles Book Club (HSBC), Vol. I.

(you’re welcome, Full Stop Management; call me!)

Against Interpretation by Susan Sontag

Styles, a big fan of essays and the 1960s, was spotted with Sontag’s collection on several occasions. This book in particular includes her essay “On Style”, which I’m sure he is a fan of.

The Architecture of Happiness by Alain de Botton

Styles is possibly, one of de Botton’s biggest fans. In interviews, Styles is often asked about what grounds him and keeps him sane, one of his answers included this book. He said “there’s a chapter where he talks about the idea of emptiness being more important than fullness. How a lot of things can be really distracting, especially in the home”.

Burning in Water Drowning in Flame by Charles Bukowski

Styles is a huge Bukowski fan, and this is just one of the several Bukowski pieces that he has been spotted with. Every performance from Love on Tour starts with Bukowski’s “Style” being read to the audience before the actual Styles arrives on stage to start singing “Golden”.

The Course of Love by Alain de Botton

This book is not for the faint of heart. I’ll admit, I bought this book during season one of covid because Styles talked about it, and it became one of the best things I’ve ever read. The book is incredibly heart breaking, showcasing the difficult realties of being in a relationship. I think Styles summed it up perfectly by saying “when it comes to relationships, you just expect to be good at it, but being in a real relationship with someone is a skill”.

Fifty Shades of Gray by E.L. James

One Direction fans went wild back in 2012, when Styles admitted to reading the book after a female friend “forced” Styles to read the erotic novel.

In Watermelon Sugar by Richard Brautigan

Camille Rowe, Styles’ former girlfriend and mega muse of the entire Fine Line album, is the one who got Styles into reading. She has mentioned on multiple occasions, first dating back to 2017, that her all time favorite book is In Watermelon Sugar, which ultimately inspired the now Grammy award winning song.

I Wrote This For You by Iain S. Thomas

This is one of the few books I had already read before thinking about starting the HSBC. Thomas is an excellent writer, who makes you feel like you’re reading his journal, rather than an actual book. If you like reading about the psychology of romantic relationships, I highly recommend this book.

Love is a Mixtape by Rob Sheffield

Another one I read before Styles convinced me to, Love is A Mixtape is a beautiful tribute memoir to Sheffield’s wife. The book explores how music brought them together, the large role music played in their short lived marriage before her tragic death, and how music was a major tool while he grieved her death. Do not read without tissues nearby.

My Policeman by Bethan Roberts

When Styles was first spotted with the best seller, the public did not know he would be playing the main character in the film adaptation, set to be released later this year. The book, set in the 1950s, follows the life of policeman, Tom, and his wife Marion, as well as Tom’s secret relationship with a man.

Walking on Sunshine by Rachel Kelly

Styles is big on taking care of your mental health and working to bettering yourself, so it’s no surprise he’s a fan of Rachel Kelly’s week by week steps to a happier and healthier self.

I’m looking forward to reading this once Harr-uary is finished.

Women by Charles Bukowski

What can I say, the man loves Bukowski!

The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo

“If it brings you joy, keep it” is in the top ten best pieces of advice I’ve ever received. Marie Kondo is a genius and all emotional hoarders (myself included) are eternally indebted to her.

The Wind Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami

Styles spent several hours in a cafe in Tokyo on his 25th birthday just reading this book and drinking tea. Styles has also publicly praised Murakami’s 1987 novel, Norwegian Wood.

The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion

It’s no secret Styles loves the 1970s, and Joan Didion is an essential piece of 1960/1970s popular culture. While Styles is normally extremely quiet on social media unless promoting his own endeavors, he shockingly broke that silence to post this picture when Didion passed in December.

Happy Reading!



Claire Roma

dog mum 🐶 cool aunt🍹writer/actor ✍🏻cement heiress 💁🏻‍♀️ recovering improviser🙏🏼 dancing queen 💃🏻